Rising & Penetrating Damp

There are many sources of dampness that can affect a property; the most common forms tend to be rising or penetrating damp. It is crucial to correctly identify which type of damp is occurring in order to treat the problem efficiently.

What is Rising Damp?

Rising damp occurs when moisture from the soil transfers to the foundations of the wall; continuing to absorb into the bricks. Bricks are generally full of tiny fissures which water can get into, causing surface tension which allows the water to rise. This is known as capillary action. Once damp is present it can cause wet patches to form on the walls, paint and wallpaper to peel and eventually mould patches to form. Rising damp also carries natural salts such as nitrates, chlorides and sulphur which can sometimes be seen on the surface of the plaster.

What is Penetrating Damp?

Penetrating damp is the horizontal ingress of moisture through the building walls and unlike rising damp, can happen at any level. Normally, it presents on external walls as isolated patches of dampness which increase in size after periods of heavy rain or repeat exposure to water.

Penetrating damp is usually due to a building defect, however another likely cause is defective brickwork. This includes bricks which have become porous with age, are frost damaged or the deterioration of mortar joints and/or cracked renders. These faults allow moisture to soak completely through the wall.

The different types of symptoms.

Both rising and penetrating damp cause similar problems, but there are some indicators that set them apart, here are some of the main ones.

Rising Damp Indicators

  • Damp spots and mould are visible on the bottom of ground floor wall.
  • The floor is damp.

  • White crystals on the plaster from ground salts

Penetrating Damp Indicators

  • Damp can present itself at any level of your property.
  • Normally, it presents on external walls as isolated patches of dampness.
  • Damp patches increase in size after periods of heavy rain or repeat exposure to water.

Our Solution…

Our surveyors have a wealth of experience in identifying the cause of all damp problems and offering the correct solutions.

Rising Damp Treatment

For Rising damp problems we offer two solutions.

The simplest solution is to install our Chemical Damp Proof Course (DCP) as either a cream or liquid into the base of your wall. The walls of the fissures are lined with silicone to make them slippery, reducing the surface tension of the water, stopping its ability to rise. Next, we will re-plaster your wall, curing your damp problem!

Alternatively we offer electro osmosis damp proofing. This system introduces a small and very safe electrical current through walls suffering from rising damp. This current overcomes the capillary action, repels the rising moisture down the wall and prevents it from returning, ensuring walls remain dry.

Penetrating Damp Treatment

The first step to treating penetrating damp is identifying the source and fixing it. Since penetrating damp forms when water gets in from the outside, the first necessary step is to check everything in and around the property. Thanks to years of experience, our specialist surveyors can do this quickly and efficiently with our free on site surveys.

Once we have identified the root of the problem, we can begin to carry out the necessary repairs to prevent any more moisture seeping in. Then we can weatherproof the affected area using specialist coatings and solutions to stop any further degradation to your walls and repair any damage already done.

If you’re experiencing problems damp, get in touch.

If you’re experiencing problems with rising or penetrating damp, put your trust in the professionals and get in touch. Our expert team will be happy to provide you with the appropriate advice and solutions.